Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy New Year!

A new year is fast approaching and we will be entering 2009. I remember thinking how far away the year 2000 was and could hardly imagine that I would be in my 40's when that year finally arrived. Now 9 years have already past since then. I am 50. More than half way through my life. I believe that the new year is a chance to reflect on your past and reconsider which direction your life is headed. Do you like where you are going? Do you need a clean slate? Each new year can be a second chance. A time of renewal...looking forward to whatever the future holds and embracing it. And so, I too, have made a few New Year's resolutions.
I resolve to embrace every moment that God gives me on earth.
I resolve to spend each of those moments wisely and carefully, realizing that they could be my last.
I resolve to spend each of those moments wisely and carefully, realizing that they could be the last for the people I am with.
I will recognize and appreciate the people around me for who they are and where they are at, not for who I want them to be or where I want them to be at.
I will try to be a blessing to others not an annoyance.
I am resolved to rein in my tongue and harness my hurtful words.
When I see a need, I will try to meet it. I will be a builder and supporter of people, especially my husband and my children.
I am resolved to reconnect with my mother and love and appreciate all she does.
I resolve to see the cup as half full and not half empty.
I will laugh every day to add years to my life.
I will cry once in awhile to keep my heart soft and pliable.
I will remember what Jesus has done for me and rejoice and be grateful.
I resolve to allow the spirit man control of my life and to push my physical man back into the deep chambers of my heart until I no longer see him any more.
I know that when I see my spiritual inner self change, everyone else will see the physical part of me change, also.
I resolve to be a greater giver than I already am.
As New Year's eve approaches and we prepare to enter into 2009, take time to reflect on the past to encourage you to embrace the future. Instead of looking at 2009 with fear and trepidation, look on it with hope and excitement.
Happy New Year!

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